Remote court interpreting during COVID-19

During the pandemic, each UK court was actively encouraged more telephone and video communication methods to make hearings as possible remote. This was an intiative initiative that is taking stride in order to help keep everyone safe while keeping the courts moving.

Many of us are able to get in the swing of working remotely. But what about sourcing third party support?

Working remotely certainly has its benefits but there are challenges as well. Pre-COVID, a non-English speaking court attendee’s first port of call was to book an interpreter to join them. When the hear occurs online, a new approach much happen. Enter remote video interpreter.

Court hearings and interpreting

As there has already been a delay with many cases due to COVID-19, it is important to get things back on track as soon as possible. Indeed, the University of Oxford conducted a study which concluded that ‘Cases in which the defendant requires an interpreter are regularly delayed and adjourned where the police or the court have failed to book an interpreter, or where the interpreter hasn’t attended court for reasons unknown.’[1] This proves the importance of booking an interpreter for legal proceedings as well as making sure you book a fully qualified professional interpreter.

Court interpreting is a highly-skilled role. Sometimes it involves interpreting incredibly sensitive and serious subjects. Furthermore, an understanding of legalese is required, especially for interpreting between solicitors and their clients.

This expertise is incredibly valuable to the court as an interpreter can help avoid delays and the case drifting. However, with remote courts becoming ever-more in demand, how do you ensure highly-skilled interpreters can still work with you?

How virtual hearings have changed interpreting

Like so many throughout the pandemic, the language industry has also had to adapt. As clients’ needs and requirements change so have language solutions. Remote interpreting via telephone and video has grown exponentially in recent years due to increased demand for remote solutions across all industries.

The same applies to legal proceedings and court hearings. Through telephone and video interpreting you are still able to access experienced and skilled court interpreters while all remaining remote. Available through established conferencing systems and online applications, and as the on-demand remote service need has increased, we have seen an increase in mobile apps for telephone and video interpreting.

This allows for instant access to an interpreter 24/7. It is a major advantage here for when an interpreter is needed urgently or unexpectedly.

Of course, we know that more often than not an interpreter has been planned for, but what about on-going cases? Another advantage of remote language solutions is being able to book the same interpreter across multiple dates. This is a popular choice for those handling sensitive cases or cases involving children. The interpreter has the added knowledge of knowing a case start to finish meaning they are able to accurately interpret both word-for-word and within the overall context.

In conclusion, simply because the UK courts are going remote does not mean that non-English and Deaf clients have to suffer without an interpreter. Remote language solutions are effective and intuitive to use and implement alongside court proceedings.

If you would like to find out more about DA Languages remote language solutions contact us today!



A photo of a court gavel

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