Introducing our new telephone interpreting feature

DA Languages has recently increased our telephone interpreting capabilities in order to support our clients throughout the COVID-19 outbreak. DA Languages Our telephone interpreting team can now be contacted directly through your online video platforms.

With the new capabilities, you can dial out from Skype, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, WEBEX and WhatsApp to our telephone interpreting team. You next will request the language you need and our team will connect the interpreter directly into your call.

The changing requirements of telephone interpreting

DA Languages installed this new feature after seeing increased demand in a time where remote and home working has become the new norm. The service is incredibly helpful when the need for an interpreter is identified during a video call. It allows you to request an interpreter on demand without needing to interrupt your on-going call.

If you know you require an interpreter before the call, of course, you can also pre-book. In these cases, the interpreter will join your video call from the start. All telephone interpreting facilities can include three or more participants.

All DA Languages interpreters are fully vetted, highly qualified and adhere to a strict code of conduct. This means that the interpreter will never break confidentiality and ensure that when they are on a call, they are in a secure location, so nothing is over-heard.

During these strange times, it is important to keep communication honest and open. DA Languages is here to support your communication and remove any obstacles such as language barriers.

Getting hold of interpreting services

Alongside telephone interpreting we also offer innovative video interpreting solutions. The two options work as great language services during this time of self-isolation and home working.

If you’re interested in our new telephone or video interpreting services, please email

If you have any other questions about our remote services and how they can help, contact us and we’ll happily see how we can be of help.

We are committed to maintaining a high standard of service throughout these turbulent times. We’re here for you.

A woman providing telephone interpreting services

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Call us on 0161 928 2533 or drop us a message using our form.