Language support in self-isolation

One thing we can take away from the pandemic is the realisation that human beings are truly sociable creatures. Whether your circle is large of small, staying connected to those you love is something many of us take for granted. Something which we are coming to realise in self-isolation.

The effects of self-isolations on non-English speakers

There are concerns about the effect the current lockdown is going to have on people and their mental health. A study of people who had been quarantined because of SARS found that over 20% reported fear and nervousness. [1] All of which is understandable when the end of the lockdown is hard to see.

It can be difficult for anyone to adjust to a new way of life. This is especially true with one that is forced upon them. Isolation from friends and family can bring anyone’s emotional state down. But what if you were also isolated from your culture? Your home? Your country?

As mentioned, human beings are social creatures and all social circles are different from their own customs, culture and language. Non-English speakers currently residing in the UK may struggle to understand and access information. Non-English speaking patients may even struggle to understand why their family and friends are unable to visit them in hospital.

Those with family in worse affected countries such as Spain and Italy will naturally be concerned about their loved ones. This may cause stress for those who feel powerless to help those they care about.

Using technology to connect

Thanks to modern technology, staying in touch is easier than ever. However, this technology needs to be made available in order to allow isolated people to stay in touch with friends and family as well as access vital services and information.

So far, donations of phones and tablets have been given to various hospitals in order to help patients stay in touch with family. This can be especially reassuring for non-English speaking patients. [2]

Currently, communities across the UK have been coming together. However, some are at risk of becoming more isolated.

Who is most at risk from self-isolation?

Asylum seekers are at risk of being left behind without enough support. Some need medical assistance and support from interpreters in order to access the care they need and also continue with legal proceedings.

DA Languages has over 20 years of experience working with the public sector, refugee organisations and solicitors across the UK. This allows us to expertly support those in need of additional language support, especially during these stressful times.

Video interpreting makes for a great alternative to any face-to-face interpreting. The feeling of an interpreter, and someone who understands your language, can make all the difference.  COVID-19 is stressful for many but imagine if you didn’t understand what was happening. Having an interpreter at the ready provides an additional level of comfort for non-English speakers. Additionally, DA Languages works with many native speakers which means our interpreters also understands cultural nuances.

Seeing a friendly face who speaks your language can provide much-needed reassurance. The non-English speaker knows they are being heard and understood by all parties involved.

Speaking your language during self-isolation

Many people quarantined in the UK are living alone. Some are even separated from family and friends in another country. For these people, there is support available.

Many online communities are set up across social media such as Facebook. These communities can be for Polish, Romanian, Spanish and more in the areas such as Manchester and London. If someone is feeling isolated or missing home, these communities help connect people who share languages.

DA Languages understands that technology and online video calling doesn’t come naturally to all. Some may struggle to get up to speed more than others, which is why we are proud to work with local councils, social workers, the NHS and care workers across the UK. Providing video interpreting as well as telephone interpreting and translation ensures vital services are covered by all bases of communication.

More and more of us are working from home during self-isolation, but this can be difficult. It is most hard for those who are used to meeting face-to-face, such as therapists and social workers, to reach their patients.

Telephone interpreting works as a great solution in these scenarios. It is ideal for when an interpreter is needed quickly and when parties cannot meet face-to-face. For example, many charities have now set up helplines for those who are struggling. If a non-English speaker calls, telephone interpreting allows helpline workers to quickly connect an interpreter, so the caller gets the support they need.

Finally, our translation team has been working with a number of councils and charities to provide helpful information such as leaflets, letters and FAQs in different languages. Translated materials helps people who need to find information quickly in their own language, providing relief and helping to prevent someone spiraling.

Reach out to DA Languages

During self-isolation, the country is coming together in new ways. DA Languages wants to help make sure no-one is being left behind.

If you are interested in how our services can support you during COVID-19, email



Translation services helping an end-user during self-isolation.

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