Language support for insurance and accident management

Being involved in a road traffic accident can be a stressful time for everyone involved. Thankfully, insurance and accident management companies do everything they can to make the process as seamless and stress-free as possible.

We know efficiency is a key aspect of any insurance claim. Establishing liability can be crucial and also have a massive impact on the direction in which that claim takes. It is therefore important to fully establish what has happened, especially when there is a language barrier. It is also important to make sure that the parties involved understand their situation and potential options moving forward.

We know that complications can arise when speaking to customers and claimants who do not speak or have limited English. However, utilising our services can give all parties involved the reassurance and comfort that they are being fully understood.

Language services for insurance claims

While there are many options for professional translators and interpreters, often family members try to assist in these roles instead. This setup does not always elicit the full account and is not always 100% impartial. Obviously, in this situation, there is a greater impact when the case reaches the point of litigation.

Our services can have a real positive on the way in which a claim is handled:

  • 24/7 on-demand telephone interpreting platform to assist with FNOL and intervention.
  • Video interpreting platform to ensure that the parties involved are supported when attending court.
  • Access to our translation team who can assist with any document translation including ARF’s, statements for court, any other legal matters.

Our robust process allows for accurate and high-quality interpreting and translation to suit quick turnarounds and urgent deadlines. Overall, DA Languages is able to support across the UK and by extension help to make sure that non-English speakers get the support they need.

Translation services, telephone interpreting, and video translation are easy and quick to implement and integrate with our newest clients being set up in less than a day.

In conclusion, all language services help to improve the end-user experience and remove obstacles for handlers, loss adjusters and solicitors throughout any claim type.

If you are interested in how any of our services could support you please email our dedicated Business Development Manager Jason Poole at and we will be happy to see how we can be of help.

A photo of a car which has been caught up in an insurance claim

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Call us on 0161 928 2533 or drop us a message using our form.