Language services for the insurance sector

Making an insurance claim can be a stressful time for anyone.

insurance companies across the UK work to make the process as seamless and stress-free as possible. However, complications can arise when handling claimants have limited or no English.

Efficiency is a key aspect to any insurance claim as fault will need to established. Additionally, there needs to be an accurate assimilation of what has happened. It is important to make sure that the parties involved understand their situation and potential options.

What happens when you don’t use a professional translator for insurance claims?

While there are many professional translation and interpreting options available, many claimants rely on family members. Sometimes young adults and even minors are used. This can cause issues when a case reaches court proceedings. The translation is considered biased as it was completed by a family member who is seen to favour the claimant.

Professional and efficient translation can help with accident report forms. A claimant being able to read and understand questions they are asked means their answers will be accurate and honest. DA Languages’ experience with insurance claims and translating to and from English allows for both the end-users and professionals to communicate fully. This means the very best services has been provided by the insurance company.

Translation of accident report forms and other documentation that needs to be sent to the claimant can be translated in advance in order to make the process smoother and easier for a non-English speaker. Translating these documents ahead of time is cost-saving as there is no need to translate material individually each instance.

DA Languages has experience translating templated letters and forms for post and email that can support your process and improve the experience for non-English speakers. Furthermore, we can translate your templates into the top languages that you deal with most often, this includes even the rarest of languages.

DA Languages understand that one of the key focusses for any insurance company is handling claims efficiently and professionally throughout. Our robust process allows for accurate and high-quality translations to suit quick turnarounds and urgent deadlines and requirements.

How to use interpreting for insurance claims

Of course, there is more to a claim than just documentation, with many claims starting with inbound calls. Integration of telephone interpreting allows for an interpreter to be seamlessly connected to an on-going call with a non-English speaker. Virtual interpreting can also be booked in advance for when a call is scheduled.

This is extremely helpful if the claimant has encountered a stressful experience such as a car crash or medical negligence. By having an interpreter on the line, a claimant can feel reassured and comforted that they are being fully understood. Being able to utilise someone who understands their culture and language provides comfort and allows for a calmer, more supportive atmosphere.

We also understand that language support is needed for British Sign Language users and other non-spoken languages. For these situations, video interpreting is an effective and high-quality solution. DA Languages’ video interpreting platform lets you reach an interpreter with the added benefit of visual communication. This benefit applies to both spoken and non-spoken languages.

Our on-demand app makes the top 30 languages on demand. This is great for any loss adjusters or solicitors visiting clients and claimants in more remote areas. One major advantage to using video interpreting is that geographical location is never a restriction. When needing access to language support in a rare language wherever you are, video interpreting is a great asset.

Where does face-to-face interpreting currently stand?

As the lockdown starts to ease restrictions and we return to a new normal, face-to-face appointments have risen. Face-to-face is one of the best ways to communicate with a non-English and BSL speakers. It is is great for loss adjusters visiting clients and any in-person meetings with solicitors.

While some of these meetings may not be able to take place now it is important to keep face-to-face in mind as we continue to return to normal after the pandemic. All of our on-going face-to-face appointments are following the latest safety guidelines and information.

Using DA Languages to connect with your users

Overall, DA Languages is able to support insurance companies across the UK and helps non-English speakers get the support they need.

Translation, telephone, and video interpreting are easy and quick to implement and integrate with our newest clients being set up in less than a day.  Face-to-face interpreting will eases language barriers and is becoming more widely used as restrictions lessen. Ultimately, all language services improve the end-user experience and remove obstacles for claims handlers, loss adjusters and solicitors throughout insurance claims and cases.

If you are interested in how any of our services could support you please email and we’ll be happy to see how we can be of help.

A woman using her laptop app to fill out an insurance claim form.

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