How to draft a contract for international clients

International trade provides incredible opportunities for businesses in the modern era. However, it is important to know how to overcome the language barries that can come with working with international clients.

When doing business with international companies, there are a lot of factors that contribute to a successful collaboration. High-quality, accurate legal document translation is not only legislatively necessary, but helps protect relationships and reputation with international clients.

Working with a legal translation agency can help you to take advantage of all of the above benefits and more. Discover below the advantages of working with a legal translation company when drafting contracts for international clients.

What is a legal translation agency?

A legal translation agency is a company that specialises in producing and translating legal documents for public and private sector firms. Its linguists understand the complex terminology used in the sector and have extensive experience translating legal concepts, or even highly technical documents, like patent applications.

Translation companies can provide assistance with:

  • Translating contracts
  • Technical document translation for patents, scientific papers, etc.
  • Translating law firms’ marketing and website materials
  • Translation proofreading

Legal document translation should be handled carefully by a professional legal translation company to ensure that accuracy is maintained during the translation process.

Linguists will have a thorough understanding of the law in different jurisdictions and know how to translate complex language into another language accurately, without losing meaning or creating ambiguity.

How to translate your contracts

Contracts can be drafted in a number of ways. Typically, translators will get written instructions from the client before undertaking an assignment. They may also request feedback on completed drafts to ensure that their translation is accurate. This process helps legal translation companies to understand the needs of international clients while ensuring accuracy throughout all stages of contract drafting.

Legal translation agencies will also conduct thorough research before starting on a contract. This includes spending time familiarizing themselves with the sector, relevant terminology and legal procedures in the relevant countries.

There are several key factors that go into a successful draft contract.

Ensuring contract prose is clear, unambiguous and concise

As a legal professional, you know how important it is to use clear language in contracts. This includes drafting clauses that are unambiguous and avoiding imprecise wording wherever possible.

Legal translators will ensure that the meaning of each clause is communicated clearly by using simple language with no ambiguities where appropriate. They will also ensure that each clause is concise and relevant to the assignment.

Overcoming jurisdictional issues

International contracts can often contain terms that are contradictory to the law in certain countries. For example, an American company working with a British company will have to decide which country’s governing law comes into effect if there is a dispute. Legal translation agencies must take this into account and ensure that all parties understand their legal obligations under the contract.

Legal translators will therefore pay careful attention to foreign terms, laws and conventions when they draft international contracts for clients.

Reviewing and proofreading

Finally, legal translators will conduct a thorough review of all contracts before handing them over for client approval or additional comments. They’ll check through everything carefully to make sure there are no mistakes or inconsistencies either within their translation or in comparison to source documents.

How to see success with DA Languages

Our legal translators are fully-trained, qualified and have extensive experience drafting and translating legal documents for a wealth of organisations. They’ll ensure your contract meets all of the necessary legislative requirements, whilst providing an accurate translation for all parties involved.

We can also provide video and phone translations for meetings, police interviews, court hearings and more.

If you’d like to learn more about our legal translation services, get in touch with a member of the DA Languages team today.

A woman following steps on how to write a contract

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