Grow your business with multimedia language services

Online course and multimedia learning materials have increased in demand and usage over the past few years. Schools everywhere have taken advantage of online courses and this teaching medium continues to be a viable, sought-after option.

More than 50% of those aged 16-24 within the UK are using online courses and online learning materials. Furthermore, amongst the older working population, an average of 19% are now using LMS for higher education as well as workplace training.

Graph showing usage of multimedia online course in UK
Graph showing the usage of online courses in the UK


It is great to see online learning materials becoming a part of everyday life, allowing those most vulnerable or previously unable to access more education and training. However, there is still some disparity within the industry, for example in providing online material to non-English speaking users.

With more than 300 languages spoken within London alone, the growing cultural diversity of the UK requires online materials to be translated into multiple languages. After English, the most commonly spoken languages in the UK are:

  • Polish
  • Urdu
  • Bengali
  • Gujarati
  • Punjabi
  • Welsh
  • Mandarin

This list is not exhaustive and the range of languages we can see within the UK speaks to the demand for translation of online courses and materials. Naturally, providing translated materials for a UK audience also allows organisations to expand their customer base globally.

Through the expert translation of online course, videos, transcripts, voice-overs and more, all online content creators can provide quality services and easily integrate within new territories.

Multimedia translation

As mentioned above there are many different elements to making sure your online course and content are fully translated for your audience.


Over 80% of content consumed online is video-based content.

We understand that creating video content can be a costly endeavour. This is where subtitling can help you appeal to non-English speakers cost-effectively.

Around 1.5 million people in the UK use subtitles. The number is set to increase as people increasingly use mobile devices in on-the-go situations such as travelling on public transport. In these scenarios, subtitles help even English speakers catch what is happening on the screen without audio.


We already know that video is a huge part of online content consumption, which also includes voice-overs. Professionally voice-over artists allow you to make sure that your content is understood and in-keeping with brand message and tone.

Linguists trained in voice-overs is an invaluable asset. Such a linguist can bridge the gap between languages, especially when there is no direct translation. Fully qualified linguists are able to take on the context of what is being said and translate not just words but also the meaning behind them.

Video and audio post-edit

Providing visual and audio content in multiple languages in no small task. The is why using professional linguists and multimedia project managers means your content will be accurately translated and technically functional for what you need.

Professional multimedia translation teams are able to format your content to best suit your platform or for sharing across social media, email and websites, allowing you the freedom to choose how you want to present your content to your global, non-English speaking audience.

Why use DA Languages for your multimedia translation?

DA Languages have over 18 years of experience providing expert multimedia services. Over 12,000 linguists covering more than 450 languages and dialects means we can help you reach any audience and achieve your global and local expansion goals.

With a provide record delivering return on investment, we make our solutions work for you. Our solutions integrate with your systems to help further your organisation’s development strategy.

If you would like to find out more about how we can support you, get in touch today!


A woman working on a multimedia project on her laptop

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